Welcome! My name is Disa Dearie. I am a self taught lover of all things food, and passionate about teaching others the skills they need to feel confident in the kitchen to serve others. Those others can be family, friends or strangers. I did not come from a background of amazing cooks. The thing I love about that is this… If I can learn how to do it on my own, I believe anyone can learn with a good teacher. I hope you look around and find things that can help you learn what you’re looking for. If you don’t see it, let me know. I’ll be sure to do my best to get it on here.
I’m a navy wife, with 4 kiddos and understand what the busy life is about. Food still has to be served, and I have loved the process of learning how to fix a meal for 2, 25, and yes, for 250. I own a successful catering business where I get to share my passion for serving others on some of the most important days of their lives.
I’m so glad you found your way here. Stay a while and I hope you’ll find that you can do it too!
Best of dishes to you,
Disa Dearie
Welcome! My name is Disa Dearie. I am a self taught lover of all things food, and passionate about teaching others the skills they need to feel confident in the kitchen to serve others. Those others can be family, friends or strangers. I did not come from a background of amazing cooks. The thing I love about that is this… If I can learn how to do it on my own, I believe anyone can learn with a good teacher.
When I got married in 1993, I had no idea how to build meals. I didn't know how things went together or how to time a meal. I never took the time to learn, and now with a husband and myself to feed, I needed to figure it out!
We were stationed in Japan in 1996 with a baby in tow, and it definitely wasn't like it is today with the ease of the internet to learn how to do anything. I met a friend who loved food like I did and each month when the Cooking Light magazine came out we would buy it off the stand and would take turns creating the cover recipe. That was where my love of cooking truly began, and I loved that Kim and I learned from each other.
After Japan, we moved to Hawaii, and I was in absolute heaven. It was so great to be able to move places and learn different ways of cooking and the use of different ingredients. By the time we left Hawaii, we had 3 kiddos, and life and meal time were becoming more to handle. I slowly added to my experience by planning and practicing. It really was that simple.
In 2002 we made our way back to California and have been here ever since. We added one more baby to the crew, and were then a family of 6. My desire to create a dinner table ritual was in full swing by this time, and I am so grateful for this. We eat dinner as a family every night that we can. We are not always together- Someone may be working, or have plans or be traveling, but dinner is almost always served. And everyone here knows it. You can always bring a plus one, you can always drop by. It's at 6:00. It is my favorite time of the day even if I am too tired to cook. I will do it anyway. I look forward to this time together everyday.
Over the years, I turned my love of cooking into a fantastically fun business of catering for others on the most special events of their lives. I have catered well over 100 weddings, birthday parties, bridal showers and even celebrations of life. Food has been my way of sharing my love and passion for other and I am so grateful for this journey... It is what lead me to this new chapter, sharing my lessons in life so you can feed your people too.
I hope you look around and find things that can help you learn what you’re looking for. If you don’t see it, let me know. I’ll be sure to do my best to get it on here.
I’m so glad you found your way here. Stay a while and I hope you’ll find that you can do it too!
Best of dishes to you,
Disa Dearie